Get involved!

I'm thinking of becoming a foster parent, but don't know where to start.

Finding resources and a clear run-down of the process can be hard, but we’re here to help! Head to the Getting Started page of this site to, well, get started!

I want to get involved, but can’t commit to being a foster parent at this time. How can I help?


Foster parenting and adoption is not for everyone, and that’s ok! There are many ways to help support parents, kids, agencies, biological families, and more. Unfortunately we do not a donation facility for items and goods, so encourage you to continue donating goods to your local thrift store.

MONETARY DONATIONS You can, however, donate money to Fostering Families! Fostering Families is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contributions increase our community event programming, training opportunities, and provide additional resources and support for foster and adoptive parents. We thank you for any monetary donations you are willing to give!



ATTEND OUR PUBLIC EVENTS We regularly host celebrations and events that encourage the public to join in the fun! This is the easiest way to meet foster and adoptive parents in your area, people who work in the foster care system, your local public officials, and the kids they all support. Sign up for our email newsletter and make sure to follow @fosteringfam to stay tuned for events. We hope you’ll spread the word and invite others too!

PROVIDE RESPITE CARE ⭐️ Once you start to get to know families who foster at our events, offer to babysit! Respite care gives caregivers a brief break, and you a chance to get to know some amazing foster youth. A background check is required for adults taking care of foster youth (the foster parent can provide you with a short form). We put a gold star by this category because it is so vitally useful for foster families!


BECOME A GUARDIAN AD LITEM Many people have not heard of the Guardian Ad Litem program, but a GAL has a crucial role for children in the foster care system. Though each case is unique, GALs donate approximately eight hours each month to perform their statutorily mandated duties. They visit child-clients, conduct interviews, read reports, monitor court orders, collaborate with service providers, formulate fact-based child-focused court reports with recommendations, and may testify in court hearings. Learn more at

VOLUNTEER AT ORGANIZATIONS THAT SUPPORT TRIANGLE FOSTER YOUTH Some organizations include Exchange Family Center, Fostering Bright Futures , The Hope Center at Pullen, and Youth Villages.


30 hour MAPP class training + providing temporary respite for foster children for 2-4 days
Emergency Placement Providers are very needed in the Triangle! Taking the MAPP training course and getting licensed as a foster parent will not only allow you to become an Emergency Placement Provider, but will also give you a much greater understanding and connection to your local foster care system. Once you are licensed, you will be called with information about emergency placements as the need arises. Remember: You always have the right to say no if you think the placement you’re being offered is a bad match. It is up to you to determine the right time to accept emergency placement and details about the child that will best fit your home. Ask your local county Department of Social Services for more information.

30 hour MAPP class training + providing room and board
Foster children aging out of the system need a safe place to live and learn adult skills. Providing a host home means that the young adult pays room and board while transitioning to adulthood. Ask your local county Department of Social Services for more information.

I’m a licensed foster/adoptive parent who wants to get involved.

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STAY ACTIVE AND INVOLVED Sign up for our email newsletter and stay active with your foster parent community by attending events. Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram to share our news and events to your community.

We also have a monthly Support Group that is the perfect way to share your thoughts, support and learn from other foster and adoptive parents. Check out our Event Calendar for details.

SERVE ON A FOSTER PARENT PANEL Serve on the Foster Parent Panels and share your experiences with the current TIPS-MAPP classes. Hearing advice and stories from an experienced foster parent helps people who are considering getting licensed to gain knowledge and support!

PROVIDE RESPITE CARE Reach out to other foster parents and offer respite care. Better yet, set a monthly respite care day to offer consistent respite care to a fellow foster family!