We’d love to hear from you!
Are you a part of an organization that would like to partner with Fostering Families to provide events and resources for foster parents?
Are you a foster parent that needs advice or to be linked to resources? Or are you a current foster parent that would like to discuss how to become more involved in the foster care community?
Are you thinking of fostering, and would like to talk with experienced foster parents about the process and their experiences?
Contact us!
Our Board
Erin Edwards
Erin Edwards became a licensed foster parent in fall 2018. She is a licensed attorney and is the director of the Office of Professional Service Contracts at the UNC School of Medicine.
Kimberlee Grier
Kimberlee has been a licensed foster parent through Durham County since 2017. She is a Pediatric Hospice Nurse at Transitions Kids in Raleigh. Kim is a Board Member of Foster Family Alliance of NC.
Brooks Rainey Pearson
Board Member
Brooks Rainey Pearson has been a licensed foster parent through Durham County since 2017. She is a yoga instructor and an attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center.
Tommie Watson
Tommie Watson has been a licensed foster parent through Durham County since 2016. Tommie is the executive director of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities at UNC Chapel Hill and has served on the board of several local non-profits.